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Ludovic-Trarieux International Human Rights Prize

"The International tribute from Lawyers to a Lawyer"


Depuis/Since/Desde/Dal/Seit/Sinds 1984





Ywet Nu Aung Ludovic Trarieux Prize 2024


Ywet Nu Aung



On May 24, 2024, at the Rome courthouse, the 21 European lawyers members of the Jury of the Ludovic Trarieux International Human Rights Prize awarded the third round of voting with an absolute majority of 10. votes


Ywet Nu Aung

A Lawyer in Mandalay



Ywet Nu Aung (born 1979) 44, a well-known lawyer Mandalay is a member of the legal team representing the National League for Democracy NLD s detained Mandalay chief minister Dr. Zaw Myint Maung, who was hit with several criminal charges by the junta after the military coup on February 2021.

In 2017, Ywet Nu Aung represented Swe Win, editor-in-chief of Myanmar Now, in a defamation lawsuit brought against him by supporters of Wirathu, a Buddhist monk notorious for his anti-Muslim sermons. The case stemmed from an online post that the 44-year-old journalist shared on Facebook in 2017 which suggested that Wirathu had violated the code of monastic ethics by praising the murderers of prominent Muslim lawyer Ko Ni, killed that year. As a result of working on Swe Win's case, she was threatened both online and physically by members of a Buddhist nationalist group Ma Ba Tha.

She rose to prominence in 2019 when she was the lawyer for Victoria, a preschool student who was sexually assaulted in in the administrative capital Naypyitaw in 2019.The high-profile child rape case enraged the public and the following investigation and lawsuit quickly garnered national attention. In what became a nationwide campaign to raise awareness of child sexual abuse, people rallied on behalf of the three-year-old and her family, using the slogan Justice for Victoria, a pseudonym employed to protect the girl s identity.


Ywet Nu Aung was arrested by Junta troops in Mandalay on April 28, 2022 at around 4am following a court hearing in Obo Prison for Zaw Myint Maung's case.Her office was also searched and she was interrogated at the regime military base in Mandalay Palace before being charged under Section 50 (j) of the Counter-Terrorism Law with donating 300,000 kyats (around US$110) to the People s Defense Force (PDF), which the military regime labels a terrorist organization. She was remanded at the Chanayethazan Township court in Mandalay and denied access to visitors and was transferred to Obo in late May.

According to members of the legal community, the military council justified her detention by claiming that Ywet Nu Aung had been implicated in terrorist activities during testimony given by another Mandalay-based lawyer, Si Thu. He was arrested earlier that month for his alleged involvement in the resistance. Junta spokesperson Zaw Min Tun said that she was arrested for providing funds in support of the People s Defence Force (PDF), an anti-junta resistance group and told that the military was interrogating her after allegedly receiving incriminating information during testimony from a Mandalay-based PDF member in military custody.

On December 27, 2022, Ywet Nu Aung was sentenced to 15 years in prison under the regime forced labor by a court controlled by the military junta. She was found guilty of violating Article 50(J) of the Anti-Terrorism Law for allegedly providing financial support of 300,000 kyats, or approximately $140, to the Mandalay People's Defense Force(PDF).

Following the 2021 coup, lawyers who have represented jailed activists and political opponents of the junta have also faced threats to their security for speaking out against the military s arbitrary detentions. The military council has placed a gag order on lawyers of NLD leaders, including those representing detained State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi and President Win Myint, in an effort to restrict information released concerning their trials and charges.

The following is the list of prize winners :

1985: Nelson MANDELA (South Africa)

1992 Augusto Z IGA PAZ (Peru)

1994 Jadranka CIGELJ (Bosnia-Herzegovina)

1996 Najib HOSNI (Tunisia) et Dalila MEZIANE (Algeria)

1998 ZHOU Guoqiang (China)

2000 Esber YAGMURDERELI (Turkey)

2002 Mehrangiz KAR (Iran)

2003 Digna OCHOA et Barbara ZAMORA (Mexico).

2004 Akhtam NAISSE (Syria)

2005 Henri BURIN DES ROZIERS (Brazil)

2006 Parvez IMROZ (India)

2007 Ren G MEZ MANZANO (Cuba)

2008 U AYE MYINT (Birmania)

2009 Beatrice MTETWA (Zimbabwe)

2010 Karinna MOSKALENKO (Russia)

2011 Fethi TERBIL (Libya)

2012 Muharrem ERBEY (Turkey)

2013 Vadim KURAMSHIN (Kazakhstan)

2014 Mahienour el-MASSRY (Egypt)

2015 Walid Abu al-KHAIR (Saudi Arabia)

2016 WANG Yu (China)

2017 Mohamed al-ROKEN (United Arab Emirates)

2018 Nasrin SOTOUDEH (Iran)

2019 Rommel DURAN CASTELLANOS (Colombia)

2020 Ebru et Barkin TIMTIK (Turkey)

2021 Freshta KARIMI (Afghanistan)

2022 Arminsalar DAVOUDI (Iran)

2023 Yulia YURHIELEVICH (Belarus)






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